• Experience Goucher
  • Where You Live
  • Room Draw
  • Room Draw

    Room Draw is the process through which current Goucher College students select a residence hall space for the next academic year. Current students should review all of the information below for full details about Room Draw dates, deadlines, procedures, and requirements.

    New incoming Goucher College students will receive information about submitting a housing application and room assignments as part of their New Student Roadmap.

    Housing Application & Room Draw Timeline

    March 1, 2024

    General Housing Application 2024-25 opens for current students.

    Priority deadline to submit requests for medical or religious housing accommodations to the Office of Accessibility Services.

    April 8 - 12, 2024

    Residence Hall Open Houses

    April 10, 2024

    Priority Deadline for current students to complete the General Housing Application 2024-25 and be eligible for the General Room Draw, Special Interest Housing Room Draw, and Apartment Housing Room Draw.

    April 15 - 19, 2024

    Room Draw Information Sessions

    April 17, 2024

    Room Draw Times sent to students’ Goucher email.

    April 22, 2024

    Special Interest Housing Room Draw.

    Apartment Housing Room Draw.

    April 24, 2024

    General Room Draw for all current eligible students.

    April 30, 2024

    Late Room Draw for all current waitlisted eligible students.

    Housing Application

    The General Housing Application 2024-25 is available through a student’s The Housing Director (THD) Self-Service Portal, under the “Applications” menu. The General Housing Application 2024-25 must be completed by the communicated deadlines for a student to be eligible and able to participate in a Room Draw process or receive a housing assignment. The priority deadline for current students to complete the General Housing Application 2024-25 is April 10, 2024.

    Based on interest and eligibility, current students who complete the General Housing Application 2024-25 before the priority deadline will be eligible to participate in the General Room Draw, Special Interest Housing Room Draw, and Apartment Room Draw. Please see below for information on each of these dates and processes.

    Current students who complete the General Housing Application 2024-25 after the April 10, 2024, priority deadline will be placed on a waitlist and will be eligible to select an available room on the Late Room Draw date of Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

    Current students who submit the General Housing Application 2024-25 after the Late Room Draw process will be assigned an available residence room by the Office of Residential Life on a rolling basis.

    On-Campus Residency Policy

    As a reminder, the Goucher College On-Campus Residency Policy requires that “all full-time undergraduate students are required to live on campus and participate in one of the college meal plans.”

    Students are cautioned not to sign a lease off-campus until after they have received permission to be released from their residential living requirement. Students who choose to reside off-campus without meeting one or more of the criteria detailed in the policy and receiving the appropriate approval will be held responsible for all room and board costs for the semesters in which they are enrolled without such approval.

    Requesting Medical Accommodations or Religious/Spiritual Considerations

    Current students wanting to request medical accommodations, including housing-specific accommodations and service or emotional support animal accommodations, must request such accommodations through the Office of Accessibility Services. Current students wanting to request specific housing assignment considerations based on religious/spiritual practice or observance are advised to first contact the college's Chaplain and Director of Religious & Spiritual Life at chaplain@madorders.com.

    Read specific details about requesting a medical accommodation, including required documentation and deadlines on the Housing Accommodations page.

    The priority deadline for current students who currently have approved accommodations to renew accommodations through the Office of Accessibility Services for the next academic year is March 1st. Any current student wanting to submit approval for new or additional accommodations may do so by contacting the Office of Accessibility Services, and be subject to all communicated priority deadlines for approval.

    Students with approved accommodations must complete the General Housing Application by the priority application deadline. Applications that are not received by the priority application deadline may cause a delay in the student receiving a housing assignment.

    For all approved accommodations received by the communicated deadlines, the Office of Residential Life shall provide the student with an assignment in accordance with their approved accommodation prior to the General Room Draw date. Upon receipt of that assignment, students who wish to decline that housing accommodation assignment will be eligible to participate in the General Room Draw process.

    All requests for medical accommodations are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Office of Accessibility Services and documentation of a special need or disability does not guarantee that requests will be approved. Assignments are made only if space is available, and an assignment to a specific residence hall cannot be guaranteed. Any requests received after the priority may be approved, but accommodations will be made on a space-available basis after the room draw processes are complete, and students may be placed on a waitlist for consideration as space becomes available.

    Room Draw Eligibility

    Only students who have met the following requirements may participate in Room Draw:

    • Have completed the General Housing Application
    • Free of any holds on their student account

    Students will be assigned a random time based on their class standing where they will be able to select a bed in a room from the inventory of rooms that are available to the student at that time.

    To maintain their assignment through the summer and into the Fall semester, students must remain enrolled in classes through Goucher College for the Fall semester. If, at any time, a student is no longer enrolled in classes through Goucher College, their assignment may be canceled.

    Special Interest Housing

    As part of the housing application, students can apply to be a part of one of Goucher College’s four Special Interest Houses. In special interest houses, students create distinct learning communities and live with a unified vision. They come together to share interests and passions, learn from and support one another, and educate the larger campus community.

    Special Interest Houses include:

    • Language House (housed in Welsh)
    • Gaming House (housed in Froelicher - Tuttle)
    • Robinson-Barland House (housed in Froelicher - Gallagher)
    • Art & Media House (housed in Mary Fisher - Dulaney)

    For students interested in learning more about specific Special Interest Houses, representatives will be available during the following Open Houses to answer any questions for students interested in those communities:

    • Representatives from the Art & Media House will be available during all of the Open House times
    • Tuesday, April 9, 2024, between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm, representatives from the Language House will be available in Welsh Hall
    • Wednesday, April 10, 2024, between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm, representatives from the Gaming House will be available in Froelicher Hall
    • Friday, April 12, 2024, between 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm, representatives from the Gaming House will be available in Froelicher Hall

    To apply for a special interest house, simply select the General Housing Application and follow the prompts accordingly. For questions regarding Special Interest Housing, please contact the Office of Residential Life at residentiallife@madorders.com.

    Students selected for a special interest house will be notified of their selection prior to the General Room Draw. Special Interest House Room Draw will take place on April 22, 2024.

    Apartment Housing

    As part of the housing application, eligible students can apply to be assigned to an available on-campus apartment.

    While a complete list of requirements can be found on the application, below are some of the factors that make individuals eligible for apartment living:

    • All proposed applicants must have completed a minimum of 45 credits to apply, including completed credits and in-progress credits.
    • All proposed applicants must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA.
    • All proposed applicants must demonstrate a record of good citizenship on campus.
    • All student applicants must complete the Apartment application found within the General Housing Application.
    • All the intended roommates must be listed on one another's Apartment Application

    To apply for apartment consideration, simply select the General Housing Application and follow the prompts accordingly. For questions regarding on-campus apartments, please contact the Office of Residential Life at residentiallife@madorders.com.

    Students approved for an on-campus apartment will be notified of their approval prior to the General Room Draw. Apartment Room Draw will take place on April 22, 2024.

    Roommate Matching

    Prior to Room Draw, current students can “match” with another current student(s) that they want to be roommates with through their The Housing Director (THD) self-service portal. Roommate matching will be available after the April 10, 2024, priority application deadline.

    To search for and find a student to match with as a roommate group, all students involved must have completed the General Housing Application. If a student has not completed the General Housing Application, they will be unable to request a roommate match and will not be visible to receive a roommate match request. To complete a roommate match, all students involved must accept the request through their THD self-service portal.

    When a roommate group has been established:

    • Only one member of the roommate group will need to select a room during Room Draw. Once one member of the roommate group selects a room, all members of the roommate group will be drawn into the room and can be allocated to a bed in the room.
    • During Room Draw, only rooms with an available number of beds that can accommodate all the members of a roommate group will be visible to a student and available for selection. For example, for a roommate group of two students, all rooms with at least two available beds that the students are eligible for will be visible; rooms with only one available bed will not be visible.

    Meal Plans

    Unless approved for an accommodation through the Office of Accessibility Services, all students living on campus are required to select and maintain a college-sponsored meal plan.

    Read about college-sponsored meal plans. Specific meal plans and pricing information can be found on the college’s Tuition & Fees page.

    Residence Hall Open Houses

    During the week of April 8th to the 12th, the Office of Residential Life will host a series of Residence Hall Open Houses. During these Open Houses, students will have the opportunity to visit residence halls and room types that they are interested in for the upcoming academic year before selecting rooms during a Room Draw process. Students will need to show their OneCard and sign in at each Open House to participate in the tour. Please note that the only apartment type that will be available for viewing is a Welsh Hall 4-bedroom apartment.

    Residence Hall Open Houses of Heubeck, Mary Fisher, Froelicher, Sondheim, and Welsh Halls will take place on the following dates and times:

    • Tuesday, April 9, 2024, between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm
    • Wednesday, April 10, 2024, between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm
    • Thursday, April 11, 2024, between 10:00 am and 11:00 am
    • Friday, April 12, 2024, between 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm

    In addition, representatives from the Special Interest Houses will be available during the following Open Houses to answer any questions for students interested in those communities:

    • Representatives from the Art & Media House will be available during all of the Open House times
    • Tuesday, April 9, 2024, between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm, representatives from the Language House will be available in Welsh Hall
    • Wednesday, April 10, 2024, between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm, representatives from the Gaming House will be available in Froelicher Hall
    • Friday, April 12, 2024, between 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm, representatives from the Gaming House will be available in Froelicher Hall

    Room Draw Information Sessions

    During the week of April 15th to the 19th, the Office of Residential Life will be holding room draw information sessions for students who have questions about the process. While not required, these opportunities provide students with the opportunity to ask questions and become fully informed about the details and procedures required to complete a Room Draw process.

    Students can visit or attend one of the opportunities below to learn more about Room Draw and selecting a room:

    • Monday, April 15, 2024 - 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm in the Mary Fisher Dining Hall Lobby
    • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 - 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Pagliaro Selz First Floor Lounge
    • Thursday, April 18, 2024 - 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm in the Mary Fisher Dining Hall Lobby
    • Friday, April 19, 2024 - 10:00 am virtually on Microsoft Teams

    Students Off-Campus for the Fall Semester

    Current students who will be off-campus during the Fall semester (study abroad, for-credit internship, leave of absence, etc.) and returning to campus for the Spring semester should not complete the General Housing Application and will not participate in a Room Draw process.

    Students participating in approved Goucher College programs will receive information in their Goucher College email in November regarding the housing application and room assignment process for the Spring semester. Students not enrolled through an approved Goucher College program should contact the Office of Residential Life at residentiallife@madorders.com no earlier than December 1st to request housing information.

    Students Off-Campus for the Spring Semester

    Current students who will be living on campus during the Fall semester and are anticipating being off-campus during the Spring semester (study abroad, for-credit internship, graduation, leave of absence, etc.) must complete the General Housing Application and will participate in a Room Draw process. During the Fall semester, the Office of Residential Life will communicate information to all students living on campus regarding procedures for ending their housing contract and vacating their assigned residence hall room at the end of the Fall semester.

    All students who are anticipating vacating their residence hall room assignment during the academic year should review their housing contract for specific guidelines, deadlines, and procedures for doing so.


    For questions regarding the General Housing Application or Room Draw process please contact the Office of Residential Life at residentiallife@madorders.com.

    Regular updates will also be posted to the Office of Residential Life Instagram account.